Looking for Tinnitus A Multidisciplinary Approach ?

Author : David Baguley
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages : 324

"Tinnitus: A Multidisciplinary Approach" provides a broad account of tinnitus and hyperacusis, detailing the latest research and developments in clinical management, incorporating insights from audiology, otology, psychology, psychiatry and auditory neuroscience. It promotes a collaborative approach to treatment that will benefit patients and clinicians alike. The second edition has been thoroughly updated and revised in line with the very latest developments in the field and contains new material including three new chapters on tinnitus and hyperacusis in childhood, emerging treatments and special populations. It also offers the addition of appendices detailing treatment protocols for use in an audiology and psychology context respectively. Tinnitus provides the core information required by both audiology students and practitioners, and is a valuable reference for otologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors. - Updated and revised edition with 40% new material - Focus on a collaborative approach to treatment - Internationally renowned team of authors

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